Kilimanjaro Safaris
Kilimanjaro Safaris is a two-week trek through the African savannah searching
for wildlife. The ride vehicles are actual trucks driven by your safari guide,
who points out the various animals along the trail. There are some tricky spots
on the road, including a rickety bridge, and the ride ends with your group
joining in the hunt for a band of poachers.
Kilimanjaro Safaris is a FASTPASS attraction.
Kilimanjaro Safaris is an original Animal Kingdom attraction; it opened with the
park on April 22, 1998. Two original elements of the ride are no longer included:
A reserve Ranger (live Cast Member) was at one time stationed near the end,
having captured the poachers. Apparently the fact that the Ranger was toting a
gun was considered too intense.
Speaking of intense, the original concept included a scene of the mother
elephant (Big Red) after the poachers had got to her. This never made it beyond
the soft openings of the attraction. Jim
Hill tells a story of the director-and-above level discussions at Disney
about what to do; sadly, he never once uses the 'elephant in the room' joke
Before Expedition Everest, this was the primary must-see
attraction at the Animal Kingdom, drawing crowds first thing in the morning and
staying busy throughout the day. With the coming of the Yeti, crowds are
somewhat eased at park opening, but afternoons are still crowded.
This is certainly a not-to-be-missed attraction; even though the poacher story
is watered down, the anmials are worth the time. The skill with which Disney
has engineered the anmial habitats really shows through, as there isn't a fence
or ditch in sight, and some of the more harmless (i.e. herbivorous) animals can
walk right up to the road.
Touring Tips
Ride this one early in the morning, or be one of the last ones in line at the end of the day. The animals are more active in the cooler parts of the day.
If you intend to ride at park opening, consider walking the Pangani Forest Exploration Trail first. This will leave you essentially alone on the trail, and you will enter Kilimanjaro Safaris after the initial crush of people, but usually before the second wave hits.
Hidden Treasures
In the queue, look for the signs giving the names of animals in both English and Swahili. Remember a few and you can impress your friends next time you're at a zoo (or on an African safari)

queue is the safari station, including the office of the Harambe Wildlife
Preserve. Signs overhead teach the Swahili names for various animals you may
encounter on your trek through the bush.
Throughout the ride, your vehicle will not come to a complete stop, so if you
are interested in taking photographs, you will need a steady hand and a ready
shutter finger.
You board your vehicle and are introduced to your guide, who gives some of the
history of the Harambe Wildlife Preserve and the animals you might see.
Your first viewing area, in the Ituri Forest region, includes okapi, saddle-billed
storks, black rhinoceroses, pink-backed pelicans, and bongos (the large antelope,
not the drum). Your guide will be in full tourist mode, describing the animals
along with their physical features or interesting facts about their habits or
the number surviving in the wild. As you leave the Ituri Forest, you have your
first introduction to Wilson and Miss Jobson, two officials with the Preserve
who are flying overhead. As the conversation winds down, you enter the Safi
The Safi River habitat is home to Nile hippopotamuses and Nile crocodiles. Here
you will also cross Senegali bridge, where Wilson urges you to go "very
slowly" to avoid compromising the span and landing in the crocodile river.
Safely across the bridge, you enter the West Savanna. Here you will see the
large baobob tree (upside-down tree), then you are interrupted by a fight
between Wilson and Miss Jobson over what to call a Thomson's gazelle. This
portion of the attraction is what most people expect of the African Serengeti -
wide vistas, sparse trees, and big animals. Here you have a chance to spot
Patterson's eland, impala, sable antelope, and the aforementioned Thomson's
gazelle ("tummies" to Wilson). We have never spotted a mandrill, but
the Field Guide to Disney's Animal Kingdom
insists they are here.
You then enter elephant country, and here you will first hear about Big Red and
Little Red, the prize members of the Preserve's elephant herd. Wilson chimes in
that they have not been seen yet today, but might be at the red clay pit. Along
with elephants, you will see the reticulated giraffe and flamingos. At this
point you are passing into the East Savanna.
First up is the scimitar-horned oryx, although your viewing may be interrupted
by Wilson, thickening the plot with a report of a suspicious jeep. Cheetahs
follow, then lions and white rhinoceroses. Pumba puts in an appearance with his
family of warthogs, and you get a quick look at the ostriches and their eggs.
At this point the crisis is reached. Wilson radios that poachers are in the area.
Your guide floors it to chase down the illegal hunters. You approach the poacher's
camp, where rhino horns and elephant tusks indicate that they have already been
successful at their illegal game. Fortunately, you've chased them right into
Wilson's trap, and you get a glimpse of Little Red in the back of a truck, safe
and soon to be returned to his mother. This is the end of the safari, as your
two-week expedition is cut short at about 16 minutes.
In the original version, the guide reported that "Big Red has been shot".
You caught a glimpse of the poachers racing away in a jeep, then drove them into
Wilson's trap. A game warden held the poachers at bay at gunpoint. All of this
has gone away, due mostly to guests complaining about the grim nature of the
story. But that's nothing compared to the soft opening version, where the cast
members and their families actually saw Big Red down.
Hidden Mickeys

Notice the flamingo pool? Look closely at the island in the center. Better yet, try viewing it with a satelite map program. (show picture).