The Oasis
The Oasis is the entranceway to the Animal Kingdom proper. Like Main Street at the Magic Kingdom, it guides guests into the center of the park, allowing spoke access to the various lands. However, the Oasis serves an additional purpose of acclimating guests to the environs of the park, immersing them in a rainforest filled with live animal exhibits. You enter the Oasis from one of two paths, which meet at the far end at the bridge to Discovery Island. For quick access to the park, either trail will do.
The original conceptual name for The Oasis was Genesis Gardens - in The Imagineering Field Guide to the Animal Kingdom one of the concept drawings has the name in the caption. According to Lou Mongello's Walt Disney World Trivia site, this name was abandoned because of its religious overtones. It's kind of silly, but The Oasis is a better name anyway.
The Oasis is unique among WDW entrance lands in that there are no shops or restaurants between you and the central hub. Not only does this give the guest an early indication that this park is different, it also provides something of a backstory for Discovery Island up ahead. One can imagine that the village is deep in the jungle and only accessible by trekking through the wild.
The design of the Oasis is superb - if you are heading into the park to experience the attractions, the paths are reasonably wide and the crowd moves smoothly. If you want to view the wildlife, the habitats are off to the side so you won't be impeding progress. Plus, since you can't see the Tree of Life from within the Oasis, you won't be held up by countless families stopping for photos - at least until you get to the bridge.
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