Tamu Tamu Refreshments Description
Tamu Tamu Refreshments is a counter-service restaurant in a decaying Harambe building. Guests snack on sandwiches in an indoor/outdoor dining area where the walls are crumbling, while outside there is grass growing from what's left of the roof. It's "Good Eats!" The offerings are turkey and tuna sandwiches, or a cheeseburger. The unique beverage offering is a milkshake. See the full menu at AllEars.Net, including the breakfast options.
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We haven't tried this one yet, as the other quick-service offerings usually draw us in before we get to Africa. The food offerings are not always available, making this a milkshake stand during the slow period.
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Hidden Mickeys

On the wall in the eating area for the restaurant, the plaster forms the shape of Baloo the Bear (show picture).