The village of Harambe is the themed area representing Africa at the Animal Kingdom. It contains one headliner attraction, a walk-through animal exhibit, and the usual assortment of shops and restaurants. It also serves as the gateway to Rafiki's Planet Watch via the Wildlife Express Train. The backstory for Harambe is that the adjacent savannah, once a hunting ground for poachers, is now a wildlife refuge. The village has developed somewhat from a colonial settlement to a more modern tourist destination (witness the satellite dishes on some of the roofs) where every inhabitant is friendly - as long as you're not bringing a gun.
Africa was the first land to be started, due to the extensive earth-moving needed for Kilimanjaro Safaris.
In our opinion, Africa has the best theming in the entire park. The land is reasonably compact and forms a cohesive whole, with the safari entrance, walking trail, and train station blending perfectly into the village atmosphere. The detail on the buildings is fantastic, and the street entertainment is upbeat and lively. Plus, it has the best Hidden Mickey in all the parks.
Characters such as Baloo and King Louie from The Jungle Book can be seen near the Tamu Tamu counter-service restaurant.
Duka la Filimu
Mombasa Marketplace
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Hidden Mickeys

On the street towards Asia, a utility cover is surrounded by a Classic Mickey (show picture).