Maharajah Jungle Trek
Maharajah Jungle Trek is a walk-through wildlife exhibit themed to the adjacent village of Anandapur. This trail winds through the ruins of the temples and hunting lodge left by the departed Maharajahs, now given back to nature by the residents of the free and independent village. Here you will find a wide variety of Asian animals and plants, and of course the tigers.
Maharajah Jungle Trek is all that's left of the original plan for an Asian safari ride to counter-balance Kilimanjaro Safaris in Africa. The original plans called for a raft ride through animal habitats, but the final design separated the viewing areas from the thrill ride.
Maharajah Jungle Trek is a worthy counterpart to the Pangani Forest Exploration Trail in Africa. The Imagineering really shows through here, with the aging and decay of the temples and hunting lodges carried out to Disney perfection. The animal selection here is perhaps even more exciting, with the Komodo Dragons and Asian Tigers topping the bill. This attraction is a great way to while away the time before your Kali River Rapids FASTPASS window opens, or before your advanced dining reservation arrives.
Touring Tips
If you'd like to see the tigers looking like wild animals, rather than your household cat (sleeping all the time), try to visit the Maharajah Jungle Trek in the morning, or within an hour of closing time.
Approaching the tigers really close to closing may give you an even better show, as they queue up for dinner near the fountain.
Hidden Treasures
The birdhouses in the aviary are a delight in and of themselves.

Starting at the beginning of the trek, you will encounter the following animal viewing areas:
Kimodo Dragons ( Varanus komodoensis), the largest lizard species in the world.
Malayan Tapir ( Tapirus indicus)
Two species of bat (you have the option of skipping the bat house): Rodrigues Fruit Bat ( Pteropus rodricensis) and Malayan Flying Fox ( Pteropus vampyrus)
Asian Tiger ( Panthera tigris), the jewel of the tour, viewable from several locations.
Elds Deer ( Cervus eldi), a severely endangered species.
Blackbuck ( Antilope cervicapra), one of the fastest antelopes in the world.
Banteng ( Bos javanicus), a large species of cattle.
Various bird species
Hidden Mickeys

The earring of the archer in a mural (show picture).
The clouds in a mural in the ruins (show picture).
Under the tiger mural, swirls in the water form a Classic Mickey (show picture).
Under the archer's arm is a Classic Mickey bush (show picture).
An Asian noble has a Classic Mickey decoration on his shoulder (show picture).
On a cross mural, three of the four corners have Classic Mickey decorations (show picture).
On the mural with the grey-bearded man, a boulder in the mountains is a Classic Mickey (show picture).
In the mural with two archers, a leaf near the left edge forms a Classic Mickey (show picture).
In the mural with two archers, three leaves above the tiger on the right are a Classic Mickey (show picture).
In the deer pen, on the wall under the right-most crack, three flowers form a Classic Mickey (show picture).
On the relief mural with the dancing man and the monkey, the man wears a Classic Mickey necklace (show picture).